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The Massier

The introduction of artistic ceramics: the Massier family

The Massier family is at the origin of a major mutation of ceramic practice in Vallauris. They innovate by making artistic ceramics production.

Clément Massier (1844-1917), his brother Delphin (1836-1907) and Jérôme Massier son (1850-1916) will be the precursors of new decoration techniques: enamelled earthenware and metal. They will run important factories of artistic earthenware located in Vallauris.
Their production is abundant and diversified as well as original.
They also surround themselves with artists, painters sculptors, anxious to associate now to a current production the notion of creativity (novelties in the decorations, research on the colors).
The Massier workshops goes along with the establishment of what will be called the Côte d’Azur and the development of a cosmopolitan tourism, new customers that is going to conquer the family Massier.

The Massier will participate in universal exhibitions, places of confrontation, of exchanges between the different Nations. They are passionate about enamals. Clément discovered the metallic brillance around 1886/1887. He was rewarded for his research by obtaining a gold medal at the 1889 universal exhibition.

Despite the growing popularity of artistic pieces in the second half of the 19th century thanks to work by the Massiers, kitchen earthenware continued to be produced until the early 20th century. The arrival of the railway allowed production to be rolled out on a mass scale.

To see

The ceramic Museum has a rich collection of pieces from this period.
This collection presents art pottery by the Massier brothers and their followers.

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